Fun facts about the Royal Family !! 20 choses que vous ne connaissez pas sur la famille royale

Voici 10 ‘fun facts’ que vous ne connaissiez peut être pas à propos de la famille royale. Cet article sera en français et en anglais pour tester votre compréhension écrite et apprendre du nouveau vocabulaire :

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1° la Reine Elisabeth fête son anniversaire deux fois 

Now 94, Her Majesty was born on April 21, 1926, and celebrates her real birthday privately on that date. However, in order to recognize each year’s milestone with the public, she also celebrates her birthday on the second Saturday of June. 

She was born on 21st April 1926, but the official birthday party is always held on the second Saturday of June. 

It was King George II who started this double birthday celebration tradition back in 1748, as he was born in November, when it is far too unpleasant for a picnic in Hyde Park. .The Queen is also well aware that April showers bring May flowers and the weather could be bad at that period.

  • to be born : être né
  • to celebrate : fêter
  • date : une date
  • however: cependant
  • milestone : étape importante
  • April showers bring May flowers :  les pluies d’avril apporte les fleurs de mai
  • unpleasant : pas agréable
  • to held a party : organiser une soirée / une fête

2° La Reine Elisabeth boit du champagne tous les soirs

If anyone knows how to celebrate, it’s Her Majesty. According to The Independent Queen Elizabeth enjoys a glass of champagne every evening—along with a dry Martini. And that’s not all. She also sips gin and Dubonnet before lunch and wine during lunch.

  • a glass of champagne : un verre de champagne
  • to sip : siroter
  • wine : vin
  • along with : accompagné de

Élisabeth II — Wikipédia

3° La Reine Elisabeth porte toujours des couleurs vives pour être vu et se ‘démarquer’ de la foule

Her Majesty’s affinity for wearing bright coats and dresses isn’t just about her personal style—it’s also to ensure her loyal followers never miss her in a crowd. Sophie, Countess of Wessex, explained the reasoning in the documentary The Queen at 90. “She needs to stand out for people to be able to say, ‘I saw the Queen!’” she said. “Don’t forget that when she turns up somewhere, the crowds are two, three, four, 10, 15-deep, and someone wants to be able to say they saw a bit of the Queen’s hat as she went past.”

  • bright colours : des couleurs vives
  • coat : manteau
  • dress : robe
  • to ensure : être sûr que
  • a crowd : une foule
  • to stand out : se démarquer
  • deep : prfond
  • to be able to : être capable de
  • a bit of : un petit peu de

4° La Reine mère déteste l’ail mais adore le chocolat

Darren McGrady, a former royal chef, has admitted that Queen Elizabeth II knows exactly what she doesn’t like on the dinner table. « The queen would never have garlic on the menu. She hated the smell of it, she hated the taste of it, » he told Marie ClaireShe does, however, love dark chocolate—and actually eats Corn Flakes every morning.

  • garlic : ail
  • the smell : l’odeur
  • the taste : le goût
  • dark chocolate : chocolat noir

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5° La famille royale n’est pas autorisée à signer des autographes 

The long-standing rule is in place to prevent foreigners from using any family member’s signature, according to Time. But in January, Meghan Markle found a clever way around the requirement when she greeted fans, accepted a kiss, and signed a 10-year-old’s note outside Cardiff Castle in Wales. Since Markle hadn’t officially married Harry at the time—and since she wrote, “Hi Kaitlin,” instead of signing her name—she technically got away with it.

  • long standing : de longue date
  • rule : règle
  • to prevent : éviter / empêcher
  • foreigners : les étrangers
  • according to : d’après
  • clever = smart = intelligent
  • requirement :  pré requis
  • to greet : saluer
  • a note : un mot

6° Les membres de la famille royale doivent se peser avant et après noël

Royal expert and Majesty magazine editor Ingrid Seward told Grazia that members of the monarchy and their guests reportedly have to step atop ancient scales before and after participating in Christmas traditions at the Sandringham estate in Norfolk. According to Seward, the custom dates back to the early 1900s, when King Edward VII was concerned that people weren’t eating enough. The latest subject who’s due for a weigh-in? Meghan Markle’s mother, Doria Ragland, who was invited to Christmas this year.

  • guest : invité
  • scales : balance
  • to date back : remonte à
  • the early : tôt
  • not __ enough : pas assez
  • to be due : devoir faire
  • to weigh : peser

7° La Reine utilise toujours la même teinte de vernis

Nothing beats a classic. In 1989, Her Majesty’s hairdresser sent the folks at Essie a letter requesting Ballet Slippers, the pinkish sheer finish that the monarch has worn ever since. The shade has become Kate Middleton’s favorite, too, and 30 bottles of the polish are sold every hour in the U.S., according to the brand. While Meghan Markle followed the queen’s lead by wearing nude on her wedding day, she has made headlines (more than once) for wearing polish that’s either far too dark or simply not in line with Her Majesty’s rules.

  • folks : gens
  • pinkish : rose / rosé / rosâtre
  • sheer : pur
  • are sold : sont vendus
  • every hour : chaque heure
  • to wear : porter
  • ever since : depuis
  • the brand : la marque
  • the headlines : les gros titres
  • polish : vernis
  • too dark : trop sombre

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8° le prince Charles ne presse son propre dentifrice

According to the documentary Serving the Royals: Inside the Firm, the Prince of Wales has a knack for the finer things in life. “His pajamas are pressed every morning, his shoe laces are pressed flat with an iron, the bath plug has to be in a certain position, and the water temperature has to be just tepid,” Paul Burrell, Princess Diana’s former butler, revealed. In addition, he “has his valets squeeze one inch of toothpaste onto his toothbrush every morning.”

  • to have a knack : avoir le coup de main
  • pajamas : pyjama
  • shoe lace : lacet de chaussures
  • to press__ flat : repasser
  • plug : bouchon
  • tepid : tiède
  • butler : majordome
  • valet : valet
  • to squeeze : presser
  • former : ancien

9° La Reine se déplace à l’étranger avec son médecin

According to The Telegraph‘s chief reporter Gordon Rayner, Her Majesty never leaves the country without bringing a Royal Navy doctor with her. And if the monarch and her health advisors think a destination she’s visiting has « questionable » blood supply, well…she brings her own.

  • Royal Navy : la marine royale
  • to bring : apporter
  • health : santé
  • blood : sang
  • supply : approvisionnement

10° Par le passé, les hommes de la famille royale ne se présentaient pas en salle d’accouchement 

When Queen Elizabeth II gave birth to Prince Charles in 1948, her husband, Prince Philip, was busy…playing squash. “He looks like a plum pudding!” he reportedly said after seeing his baby boy. Since, the gentlemen in the family have put forth more effort by literally being present at labor.

William’s father, Prince Charles, started the tradition with William’s birth. “I am so thankful I was beside Diana’s bedside the whole time because by the end of the day I really felt as though I’d shared deeply in the process of birth,” Charles said. And before Kate Middleton welcomed Prince George in 2013, Prince William said he “fully intends” to be present—and he was.

  • to give birth : donner naissance
  • husband : mari
  • to be busy : être occupé à
  • to look like : ressembler à
  • plum : prune
  • at labor : pendant le travail
  • to be beside : être aux côtés de
  • the whole time : tout le temps
  • to share : partager
  • birth : naissance
  • to intend to : avoir l’intention de
  • to welcome : accueillir
  • deeply : profondément

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