Le présent continu : Exercice et corrigé [+ fiche PDF]

Le présent continu


Compléter les blancs suivants en conjuguant les verbes entre parenthèse au présent continu

1° what book _____ you _______ (to read) at the moment

2° She____  __________ (speaking) on the phone right now.

3° I can’t come, I _____  _________ (to study) my English.

4° Why _____ he  ______ (to drive) so fast?

5° He ____ _______ (not – to work) as a freelancer anymore.

6° You ____ ______ (not – to listen) to me!

7° She _____ currently ________ (to hike) in the Alps.

8° ______ you ________ (not – to sleep) ?

9° They ____ currently _______ (to fly) to Asia for their honeymoon.

10° You _____ _______ (to watch) TV while she _____ ____ (to cook). You should help her!

11° _____ the cat_____ (to eat )? 

12°  Listen! Someone _______ _______ (to try) to break into the house!

13° Shhh! Someone ____  _________ (to listen) to our conversation.

14° I _____ ______ (not – to run) but I _____ _________ (to walk).


1° are you reading

2° She is speaking

3° I  am studying

4° Why is he driving

5° He isn’t working

6° You are not listening  

7° she is currently hiking

8° Aren’t  you sleeping

9° They are currently flying

10° You are watching – she is cooking

11° Is the cat eating 

12° someone is trying

13° someone is listening 

14° I’m not running – I’m walking

Télécharger cette liste en version PDF ici : Présent continu_ exercice et corrigé

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